Why is it important to have my aging plan in writing if my family knows my wishes? Although it is wonderful and incredibly beneficial to discuss your aging plans with your family and loved ones, it is also very important that you put it in writing. There are numerous benefits to having your aging plan in writing; however, quite possibly the most important reason is to prevent disputes and arguments throughout the aging process. You want to make it as simple and straightforward for your loved ones as possible, so your later years are pleasant and peaceful. When your aging plans are in writing, it is evident what your wishes and desires are because you took the time and effort to write them down. When you simply have a conversation about your aging plan, loved ones absent from the conversation can argue that your wishes are something different than what is relayed. Then, it can become a battle over who knows the truth. 

Your aging plan can include estate planning documents, caregiver and housing choices, and end-of-life preferences. As estate planning attorneys, it is our hope that every person has estate planning documents executed. These estate planning documents often include a Revocable Trust, Last Will and Testament, Durable Power of Attorney, Living Will and Health Care Surrogate, and Declaration Naming Preneed Guardian. These documents must be in writing. Our office can help you navigate the estate planning process and help to get your aging plan in writing. Please give us a call at 321-345-5945 or visit our website at www.www.amybvanfossen.com

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