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Many older adults find it difficult to remain independent. Simple abilities like driving, taking medications, or running errands become much more difficult tasks to the person who is losing their vision, hearing, or even just using an assistive device such as a walker. Because many people choose to move to Florida after they retire, their families are often geographically distant and are not always able to help oversee medical care for their loved one. Seniors and their families need help navigating the complex world of senior resources, including complex government and insurance regulations, and management of their personal and medical needs. A geriatric Case Manager can help do just that. They also help families of seniors to maintain their own independence, assuring that loved ones are in safe and knowledgeable hands.
Geriatric Case Management is a profession dedicated to assisting elderly people and their families by developing plans for long-term care, as well as living arrangements. Case Management also involves assessment of needs, coordination, and management of daily and long-term support services, including medical, social, legal, financial, housing, family, and personal needs.
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Who Needs a Case Manager?
More and more people are turning to Geriatric Case Managers. These professionals handle everything from assuring that the person is eating properly to arranging for legal and financial services. By serving as the family’s eyes and ears, a geriatric Case Manager provides peace of mind. Having a Case Manager offers seniors and their families a comprehensive range of services with a distinctly personal touch. The Case Manager’s purpose is to help clients maintain quality of life, independence, and personal dignity by carefully assessing their needs and providing the most desirable, yet affordable solution, and monitoring progress.
Is Case Management Affordable?
Although Case Management services are typically paid at an hourly rate, most families find that the service is invaluable. Not only can a Case Manager save your family time and frustration by tending to everyday needs, but a geriatric Case Manager is often able to save the client thousands of dollars in other areas by reducing hospitalization costs through continuous medical monitoring and guiding toward the appropriate resources for financial and estate planning.
How Do I Communicate with My Case Manager?
Your Case Manager will be in contact with you periodically to simply check in and see if you have any need for services. It is encouraged that you reach out to your Case Manager directly anytime there is a change in your baseline status. This means if you have a hospitalization, change in your primary caregiver or physician, change to your address or living environment, or change to your physical abilities.
Your Case Manager is available in crisis as well as just to answer questions. He/she will be available by cell, email, or through the direct line at the offices. You will be given a magnet as well as a wallet card that will indicate contact information for your Case Management team. Please share a copy of this card with your medical team when you are at physician appointments, move into an assisted living or skilled facility, or in the hospital. Your medical professionals can copy it and keep it on file along with your insurance cards. It is also recommended that you store your case manager’s phone number in your cell phone under “ICE CASE MANAGER”. “ICE” stands for “in case of emergency.”
If you believe you would benefit from a Case Manager send us an email or give us a call. We look forward to hearing from you.